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Finance Strategy Superannuation Wealth Protection
As at 1 July 2018, legislative changes for those over 65 and selling property have resulted in unique investment and estate planning strategies. Known as the “downsizer benefit”, this new and useful strategy benefits those looking to contribute excess sale proceeds to superannuation. Additionally, it may also prove to be beneficial for those without excess funds but who are concerned regarding tax to their Estate.
Sounds simple? Sell your home, move into a cheaper one and contribute the difference to retirement savings? As with all these schemes, the devil’s in the detail, so it’s important to understand the complexities here.
Firstly, the concept of being a “downsizer” strategy is a furphy. You are able to purchase a smaller, larger, cheaper or more expensive home. In fact, there is no impetus to buy another home at all (important for those entering aged care). As long as the proceeds from the sale are used to make the contribution (and not other funds), then the contribution stands.
Additionally, there is no need for the home to be a current main residence. As a result, this may be an appropriate strategy for investment properties which were formerly used as main residences.
The limits are:
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Unlike other contributions, the downsizer funds are not subject to the $1.6m contributions cap and hence, for superannuants, this could be a way of “extending” the amount retirees hold in the superannuation environment. Similarly, for those who are moving from their main residence to another property of the same value, there could also be significant estate planning benefits in cashing out and recontributing funds from superannuation (speak to your adviser).
Whilst there are many pluses to this strategy, there are also the downsides. Primarily, the main downside is the impact on the income and asset tests for those receiving Centrelink benefits. Those in receipt of Centrelink should consult with a financial planner to understand the reduction in pension they may receive as the downsizer benefit is not exempt for Centrelink purposes (unlike the home).
Clearly, the best result for individuals is to consult a professional who understands the legislation prior to the sale date, so the appropriate strategies can be considered, modelled and the impacts understood by the property seller.
If you would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the team at Cashel House.
Gareth de Maid
Relationship Manager – Financial Strategy Specialist
Phone 03 9209 9000
Email [email protected]