Our expertise enables us to assess risks holistically, determining which risks to avoid or manage through ownership structuring and budgeting versus those accepted and insured.

Where insurance is needed we can match your personal, general and health insurances to your lifestyle and life stage. We do this by reviewing your policies annually (and more often as needed) to ensure your insurances have the right terms and conditions, and structure for tax efficiency. We provide advice on the following essential types of insurance:

Life insurance

Critical illness cover or trauma insurance

Business protection insurance

Total and permanent disablement insurance

Income protection (salary continuance) insurance

General insurances

Health insurances

Your insurance needs will change as you go through life’s stages. There will be times you need to increase cover and times you may not need it at all. We can help eliminate unnecessary costs by adjusting your insurance plan to your changing life.

Establish your foundation

As you build your base, your typical insurance needs are focussed on protecting you as an individual and your growing career and income.

Grow your career and family

As your career and family grow, your insurance needs will expand to include your dependents as well as your growing career and assets.

Breaking out

Depending on your employment or new venture, insurances may be needed to protect your family from new debt, unforeseen workplace risks and business partners.

Secure your legacy

At this stage, your family will no longer be dependent on you and your focus will shift back to you, your spouse and your collective income.

Enjoy your retirement

Finally, as you enter retirement your needs switch to aged care extras and protecting the generational wealth you have built for your family.

Who we service

cashelfo client description

High net worth families

seeking a trusted partner to plan all their aspects of wealth and personal finances.

cashelfo client description

Affluent and aspiring couples

seeking an honest partner to plan and accelerate their wealth creation.

Steps to risk management

Our team conducts an annual review of your life to ensure your insurance solutions are appropriate for your current circumstances.

cashelfo method

Step 1

Identify lifestyle and insurance needs

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Step 2

Tender your insurance needs

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Step 3

Continuously review insurance needs

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Step 4

Protect family from the unexpected

The Cashel Office difference

When you partner with Cashel Family Office, you receive a dedicated team of advisors working to ensure you’re getting a diverse range of insurance solutions. We do not employ a set-and-forget strategy. We work with you to ensure you’re getting the best possible coverage based on your life stage to help protect your family from the unexpected.

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Our team and qualifications are exceptional.

Our advisers hold related master’s degrees in finance, Chartered Financial Planner and Chartered Accountant qualifications that provide the skills needed to handle your family’s individual needs. Our ongoing training ensures we are at the forefront of thought leadership and best practice.

Our Australian Financial Services and Australian Credit License provides us with the unrestricted ability to source and compare financial, insurance debt and investment products and opportunities from every possible source.

Our insurance partners

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does personal insurance cover you for?

    Below are some of the events you may be able to choose to be covered for under your personal insurance policy.

    If you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness: your family receives a lump-sum payment. This is called Life Insurance.

    If you’re diagnosed with a serious critical illness such as a malignant cancer or you suffer a severe heart attack: you receive a lump-sum payment. This is called Recovery Insurance.

    If you’re permanently disabled and unable to work: you receive a lump-sum payment. This is called Total Permanent Disability (TPD).

    If you’re temporarily unable to work due to illness or injury: to receive a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your salary*. This is called Income Protection.

  • I have life insurance as part of my Super, is that enough?

    Most Australians have some form of life insurance through their super. The default level of cover is not based on your unique current and future financial obligations.  In most cases it will not be sufficient to meet your real needs.

    If your insurance needs are in excess of this, it is best that you talk to a Cashel Family Office Advisor to obtain appropriate insurances and stop paying for insurances that don’t cover your needs.


  • Can I increase my insurance cover?

    You can increase and decrease your personal insurance cover at any time. Generally this will be done at annual renewal points, however if you need an increase during the annual term you should contact a Cashel Family Office Adviser. It is important that insurance is reviewed annually, if your wealth is increasing or if your liabilities reduce as your children are progressing through school, your life insurance limits will also reduce. As such you won’t need to pay for the expense of some insurances.

  • Will my insurance be taxed?

    Generally Life, TPD and Income Protection insurance held within your super fund will be a tax deductible expense. However it is often more tax effective to hold Income Protection insurance in your own personal name as it will be tax deductible against your personal income (and at your marginal tax rate, which is likely to be higher than the superannuation fund tax rate of 15%). Life and TPD insurance held directly in your own name will not be tax deductible, hence it is best to hold and be paid for through your super fund.

    You should contact your tax adviser or the Australian Tax Office for more information and advice on your particular situation.

  • What is indexation?

    Indexation is a way to help future-proof your insurance payment against the effect of inflation. Every year, as the cost of goods and services increase, the amount of cover will increase by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), capped at (typically) 3% for Income Protection and (typically) 5% for all others. This will help to ensure that your insurance cover has not been eroded by the effects of inflation. Your premiums will also rise in accordance with any increase in cover.


  • Can I cancel my policy if I no longer need it?

    Yes, you can cancel your policy. To cancel your policy, you can speak to your Cashel Family Office Adviser. We understand your circumstances may change, and we welcome a conversation about your needs, especially where it enables you to save money and add it to your superannuation and investment account.

  • What happens if I submit a claim?

    Your Cashel Family Office Advisor will work with you or your family to complete and lodge the claim forms. A Claims Manager will contact you to discuss your claim and answer any questions you have. Cashel Family Office will be involved in this process each step of the way to negotiate and assist with obtaining the best outcome.


  • What happens to my life benefit in my super fund if I do not have a binding nomination?

    If you do not make a binding beneficiary nomination , the super trustee will decide who gets your benefits when you die. Usually benefits are paid to dependents, after taking your wishes into consideration. Please note that your Will does not govern what happens to your super fund unless you have a nomination and you elected your Legal Beneficial Representative using the Binding Nomination Form.

    Please refer to Estate Planning and Cashel Super Frequently Asked Questions.