The strategy aims to achieve its return (before management costs) that exceed the CPI increased by at least 3% while maintaining volatility to less than 7% over a rolling 3-year basis.
Important Information for Wholesale and Retail Clients in Australia and Wholesale Investors in New Zealand
This document has been prepared by Cashel Support Services Pty Ltd (ABN 31 619 697 808), authorized representative number 1257601 of Cashel Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 23 106 177 093, Australian Financial Services License and Australian Credit License Number 306 803) (Cashel). Cashel are part of the Cashel Family Office (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 30 006 726 129) group of companies (Cashel Family Office). Please read the following before making any investment decision about any financial product mentioned in this document.
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