Superannuation is intended to pay for important insurance that will fund your current lifestyle should something unthinkable take place. Cashel Family Office insurance specialists will work with you to arrange the most appropriate coverage and review your needs on an ongoing basis.

When considering insurances you should review the following:

Life insurance limits should cover the payout of debts, support your children through education and domestic help until they are no longer financially dependent, clean up miscellaneous costs associated with your passing and to maintain your partner's lifestyle until they pass

Temporary or Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance limits should be set similar to your life insurance limits, and take additional consideration of medical costs that may be incurred if you are permanently disabled

Trauma insurance limits should allow for your inability to work for 1 to 2 years and should provide enough to make medical modifications to your home and transport, plus meet finance and lifestyle expenses while you are unable to work, and

Income insurance limits should typically be set at around 75% of your regular monthly income.

Determining these limits can be complex. You’ll work with a Cashel Family Office insurance specialist to determine the most appropriate limits from one of our approved providers.


Examples of our approved insurance partners are included below

cashelfo partners
cashelfo partners
cashelfo partners
cashelfo partners
cashelfo partners