Terms & Conditions

If you make an application to Cashel Financial Services Pty Ltd and Cashel Support Services Pty Ltd for financial advice, credit assistance or to become an investor or member of any of our financial products (or that or parties we distribute), the following terms and conditions will apply.

By making an application, you authorise Cashel Support Services Pty Ltd, Cashel Financial Services Pty Ltd, Cashel Super, Equity Trustees Limited and related companies, their agents to store, use and disclose your TFN as authorised by law to facilitate your membership in Cashel Super, for contacting the ATO (or using ATO authorised search facilities including SuperMatch) as well as contacting other superannuation entities identified by the ATO’s search result, or nominated by you from time to time, to find out if you have other super monies, to meet any requirements set by the ATO or other regulatory authorities and for any other lawful superannuation purpose. You understand this authorisation is in force for as long as you are a member of Cashel Super and you may choose to revoke this authorisation at any time by contacting Cashel Super.

If you nominate to rollover from another superannuation fund, you authorise Cashel Support Services Pty Ltd, Equity Trustees Ltd, related companies and their agents to contact your other super fund(s) regarding this request to combine your super from that fund into your Cashel Super account. You authorise them to provide your personal information, including your TFN, to your other super fund(s) to facilitate this request, and:

  • Where any transfer fees apply, you authorise the deduction of the transfer fees by your previous superannuation fund from the benefit rolled over to Cashel Super;
  • You are aware that you may ask the trustee of Cashel Super for information about any fees or charges that may apply to a rollover, or any other information about the effect that the rollover may have on your benefits, and do not require such further information;
  • You consent to your TFN and any information held by Cashel Super being disclosed for the purposes of consolidating your accounts and rolling your super monies held by other superannuation entities into your Cashel Super account and meeting any requirements set by the superannuation law, the ATO or other regulatory authorities in relation to consolidating your accounts; and
  • You understand that your consent provided in relation to the use, storage and disclosure of your TFN when you provided Cashel Super with your TFN details continues to apply unaffected.

If you nominate to rollover all of your superannuation monies currently held with other superannuation funds into Cashel Super, you authorise the trustee of Cashel Super to rollover to your account in Cashel Super the total balance of any accounts held by other superannuation entities found as a result of contacting the ATO or through ATO authorised search facilities including SuperMatch and by contacting a superannuation entity identified through an ATO search or nominated by you to consolidate your accounts and:

  • Where any transfer fees apply, you authorise the deduction of the transfer fees by your previous superannuation fund from the benefit rolled over to Cashel Super;
  • You are aware that you may ask the trustee of Cashel Super for information about any fees or charges that may apply to a rollover, or any other information about the effect that the rollover may have on your benefits, and do not require such further information;
  • You consent to your TFN and any information held by Cashel Super being disclosed for the purposes of consolidating your accounts and rolling your super monies held by other superannuation entities into your Cashel Super account and meeting any requirements set by the superannuation law, the ATO or other regulatory authorities in relation to consolidating your accounts; and
  • You understand that your consent provided in relation to the use, storage and disclosure of your TFN when you provided Cashel Super with your TFN details continues to apply unaffected.
  • You understand that your consent and authorisations above are in force for the duration of your membership with Cashel Super and that you may revoke your consent at any time by contacting Cashel Super.

Whilst all reasonable efforts will be made, the trustee of Cashel Super or related parties cannot guarantee that all of your superannuation accounts will be found and/or transferred to Cashel Super. No liability will be accepted for any loss or damages arising from the use of this service, either direct or incidental.

You authorise Cashel Support Services Pty Ltd, Equity Trustees, related companies and their agents to store, use and disclose your TFN as authorised by law to facilitate your membership in Cashel Super, for contacting the ATO (or using ATO authorised search facilities including SuperMatch) as well as contacting other superannuation entities identified by the ATO’s search result, or nominated by you from time to time, to find out if you have other super monies, to meet any requirements set by the ATO or other regulatory authorities and for any other lawful superannuation purpose. You understand this authorisation is in force for as long as you are a member of Cashel Super and you may choose to revoke this authorisation at any time by contacting Cashel Super.

  1. You hereby apply to become a member of Cashel Super, and if accepted as a member, you agree to be bound by the Cashel Super Trust Deed as amended from time to time.
  2. You received the Cashel Super Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Reference Guide dated X June 2017 personally, either in printed or electronic form.
  3. You have read and understood the PDS and Reference Guide and make this application in the form that was included in or accompanied by the PDS.
  4. You are eligible under superannuation law to make superannuation contributions, or to have them made on your behalf.
  5. You have read and understood the information in the Reference Guide under “Risks of Super” and “How We Invest Your Money”.
  6. You can request to change your investment option(s) at any time. However, a buy/sell spread will apply when you change your investment option.
  7. You have read and understood the Cashel Super Privacy information in the Reference Guide.
  8. You understand that Cashel Super may share your personal information with related entities for the purposes of letting you know about other Cashel Super products and services that might be of interest to you. If you don’t want Cashel Super to share your information, you can let them know by emailing [email protected]or calling 03 9209 9000.
  9. You have read and understand the information in the Tax File Number (TFN) section of the Reference Guide on page 10, including the purposes for which your TFN is collected and agree that your TFN can be used for lawful purposes including those purposes outlined in the Reference Guide.
  10. You agree and consent to receiving disclosure information, statements, notifications and other documents required by law (including, but not limited to, periodic member statements, exit statements, ongoing notifications of material changes and significant events, financial services guides, confirmation of transactions, welcome letter and additional information provided by the Trustee) by them being sent electronically to your email address set out in this application form, as updated from time to time or by such other manner you agree to with the Trustee.