Working with your selected advisers in taxation and legal advice, we will work with you on a range of inheritance and succession issues. Including the following:

Ownership Structuring

Creating structures to hold and protect assets. To assist with tax planning, and to facilitate unique investments. 

As a self employed client or an executive  within a highly regulated industry, it is critical that your ownership structuring is correct, and maintained for life and family changes.  

Estate and Inheritance Planning

As a member of our family, we will work with you to understand your family’s lifestyle and financial goals to create a valid will and estate plan with your taxation and legal advisers. It’s crucial that our strategies are tailored to an individual family’s changing circumstances, as every family has different needs.

Charities and Philanthropy

As a successful family, you may wish to provide for those less fortunate than yourself. We work with you to preserve the capital within any charitable structure and to assist with the promotion of your cause. 

Administration and Reporting

Using our technological advanced portfolio management structures we seek to provide you, and your tax agent with life positions and taxation reports for your own taxation planning and regulatory filings. 

Who we service

cashelfo client description

High net worth families

seeking a trusted partner to plan all their aspects of wealth and personal finances.

cashelfo client description

Affluent and aspiring couples

seeking an honest partner to plan and accelerate their wealth creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if I die without a Will?

    If you die without a Will your assets will be distributed according to law. This may include distributions being made to financial dependents, former partners or de-facto partners. Where there is a dispute, this dispute will be heard at the state civil arbitral tribunal. Depending on the state there may be up to 9-10 months delay before this can take place and any legal costs incurred in the meantime will likely be deducted from your estate.

  • What happens to my superannuation when I die?

    Payment of your superannuation will depend on the trustees of your superannuation. Where you have made a death nomination the trustees will pay the superannuation to the nominated person, or to the executor of your will if you nominate your legal personal representative.

    If you pass without making a nomination the trustee may make payments to any of your dependents against the wishes in your Will. Please note that if your super is paid to a person that is not a financial dependent there may be taxes applied.


  • How often should I update my Will?

    Every 2 years or sooner where there is a change in personal circumstances.