If you pay over 4% interest on your home loan, don’t have a Will or don’t know how your super is invested, it’s time for a financial review.
An annual review of your financial situation is an important part of understanding where your money is going and how it can be used more effectively. What better time to reflect on the financial year than the start of a new one? While getting all your paperwork ready for tax lodgment, take time to consider where your finances can improve with this checklist.
Financial Planning
- Do you have a budget that helps reach your financial goals?
- Do you have a plan over the short, medium and long-term for your money?
- Are your spending behaviours positive and not requiring you to live paycheck to paycheck?
- Are you sure your superannuation is growing to reach its fullest potential?
- Have you made the right investment choice to reach your retirement?
- Are you making additional pre and post-tax contributions?
- Have you made a non-binding nomination?
- Do you currently have adequate insurance to protect yourself, your family and your assets from liabilities?
- In the case of death, a serious accident or illness, are you confident of an insurance payout?
- Have you looked around to see if you can get a better deal on your insurance?
Lending & Finance
- Are your current mortgage repayments manageable given your current financial situation?
- Have you reviewed your mortgage within the last 12 months?
- Have you compared mortgages from a range of financial institutions?
- Are you paying less than 4% interest for your home and investment loans?
Account & Tax
- Are you aware of your eligible tax deductions for the 2017/2018 financial year?
- Have you developed a financial plan that seeks to legally minimise tax obligations?
- Do you accurately record and claim your taxes each year for a maximum claim?
- Do you currently put aside money for investment and growing your future wealth and have access if required?
- Is your investment portfolio consistently generating the returns you expect?
Asset Protection & Ownership Structuring
- Are your assets held in ways to protect them from creditors?
- Is your income generating assets and minimising taxes?
- Does you Estate Plan and Ownership Structure link to each other?
Download the Cashel House – Financial Health Checklist